Todd Schorr’s newest book Neverlasting Miracles is an exquisite career retrospective, presenting the best works of artist Todd Schorr.

Neverlasting Miracles is a giant volume with over 30 years of Todd Schorr’s paintings, including many close-up details of his large and intricate pieces.Neverlasting Miracles contains 87 new pieces of artwork that have not been seen before, in addition to his greatest works. There are 33 new paintings, as well as drawings, color studies, and images of his large sculptural work. The book also presents several concept and sketchbook drawings and watercolors, plus extra early pieces included in a biographical timeline.
Schorr’s outrageous vision is the culmination of formative years surrounded by the atomic and space ages; by Saturday morning cartoon, cowboy, and puppet shows; racks of comic books; and an early fascination with paleoanthropology fueled by his parents’ subscription to National Geographic magazine and frequent trips to New York’s American Museum of Natural History. The compulsion to reinvent and distill these images into scenarios pulled from the deepest reaches of imagination led to a formal art education and a lifetime of painting.

Todd Schorr’s works have been shown in museum retrospectives and hang in the art collections of Leonardo DiCaprio, Patricia Arquette, and Mark Parker, CEO of Nike.
One of the leading figures in the world of contemporary surrealism, Schorr has continually and systematically set the bar ever higher in his quest to bring classic old master painting technique to his pop-culture-infused subject matter.